Workshops & Presentations


Tri-Association- Mexico City, Mexico, September, 2024

COCOAEYC Conference- Bend, Oregon, April, 2023

EARCOS Weekend Workshop- Nagoya, Japan 2019

International School Bangkok 2019

Concordia Hanoi 2019

EARCOS Teacher’s Conference 2015

EARCOS Teacher’s Conference 2011-2012

SENIA (Special Education Network in Asia)


Parent Community

Staff Presentations

2 thoughts on “Workshops & Presentations

  1. Dear Lori,

    Hello! This is Kristin Kappelmann – I’m wondering if you remember me from your days in Shanghai? I’m at Concordia Hanoi now in Vietnam, as the Elementary Principal. I’d love to inquire about whether or not you might be interested/available to come to work with our staff in the Spring? I have two big goals for the ES staff: first, I’d like to raise awareness and understanding about autism. I’d also like staff and administration to have an opportunity to hear about classroom accommodations and support structures to meet student needs. Our general knowledge level is fairly low, but our teachers are highly interested in learning more.

    We have March 1st off for professional development, so if we wanted a longer block of time this would be the ideal day for us. Depending on your availability and rates, we might also want to ask if you’d like to do an informational presentation for our parents as well? If you are interested, please let us know your pricing structure and we can talk more.

    Thank you for considering the offer!

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

    1. Hi Kirstin, Sorry. I just got this!nI’d love to meet with your staff in the spring. Please email me at and we can talk more!

      [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

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